New Discovery of Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat in 2024

2-HOBA in New Zealand Helps You Prevent Disease Risks and Easily Steer a Healthy Life

It is pointed out in the "Report on Cardiovascular Health and Diseases in China 2020" that the morbidity rate of cardiovascular diseases in China is still in a stage of continuous increase. It is estimated that the total number of existing patients with cardiovascular diseases is as high as 330 million, including about 245 million patients with hypertension, about 45.3 million patients with lower limb arterial diseases, about 13 million patients with stroke, and about 11 million patients with coronary heart disease... The mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases in China has also increased compared to 2019, becoming the top cause of total death among urban and rural residents. Among them, it is 46.66% in rural areas and 43.81% in urban areas.

himalayan tartary buckwheat

The report analysis shows that although the national health awareness has improved, due to the widespread prevalence of lifestyle risk factors such as long-term unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity, and smoking, the absolute number of patients with cardiovascular diseases in China is still continuously rising, thus further pushing up the morbidity and mortality rates of cardiovascular diseases in China.

Dr. Naji Abumrad, a surgeon from Vanderbilt University, found in the research work that a natural compound in himalayan tartary buckwheat - 2-HOBA (2-Hydroxbenzylamine) can promote immune health by improving the function of the vascular system and has a significant effect on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The development and application of 2-HOBA was initially promoted by the team led by Dr. Jeffery Blend from the American Institute of Personalized Medicine. When having academic exchanges with Dr. Naji Abumrad, Dr. Jeffery Blend affirmed the 2-HOBA component from the traditional ancient food crop tartary buckwheat, which has a history of helping people lower blood pressure, and believes that it is one of the few substances that can be regarded as capable of rejuvenating the immune system.

Usually, people do not associate cardiovascular diseases with the human immune system, but 50 years ago, scientists proved and discovered that the immune system was involved in the process of blood pressure mediation. Dr. Jeffery Blend explained that the compliance of human blood vessels is actually closely related to the immune system. When there is a pathogen attack in the body, the blood vessels contract and the blood pressure rises. As a pipeline for intracellular activity transportation, this reaction can help more immune system cells to circulate faster and reach the places where they are needed in large quantities quickly. This cycle can also work in reverse, keeping the immune system cells in a tense state at all times, thus leading to a continuous increase in blood pressure. The experimental research results of 2-HOBA show that as an antioxidant component, the intracellular reaction in which 2-HOBA participates can break this cycle, allowing blood pressure to drop naturally and alleviating the excessive stimulation and fatigue of the immune system to restore its healthy state. At the same time, when treating hypertension, 2-HOBA can remove isovaleraldehyde ketone and block the immune inflammatory reaction process to achieve the effect of stabilizing blood pressure.

At present, only two research institutes in the world have obtained the 2-HOBA component and applied it to nutritional supplements. One is the Big Bold Health team led by Dr. Jeffery Blend, and the other is the SRW laboratory founded by New Zealand biotechnologist Greg Macpherson. The SRW laboratory is the world's first to be based on the full-dimensional cutting-edge cell theory and the nine-dimensional state of cells as the research system, aiming at cells from the cellular nutrition level in all aspects and better applying 2-HOBA in its Cel series products.

As the star component of Cel series product Cel1 Cell Guard, the 2-HOBA used by the SRW laboratory is from tartary buckwheat in the Himalayan region. Due to its unique geographical advantages and growth conditions, the content of 2-HOBA in buckwheat in this area is higher than that in other areas, and the extracted 2-HOBA component is purer. Its highly efficient compound formula is conducive to targeting cell protection and regulating various components, making it easier for the human body to absorb. In addition to 2-HOBA, Cel 1 also contains astragaloside A which is beneficial to maintaining the health and longevity of telomeres of cells, and rutin which protects DNA from external stress-related damage. Under the synergistic effect of these components, the damaged cells of the body can be better repaired and the immune system can be improved, so as to achieve early prevention and reduce the prevalence rate of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases in humans.


As the only research institute in New Zealand that has products with the 2-HOBA component, the SRW laboratory cooperates closely with GMP (high-quality production specification guarantee) certified high-end healthcare manufacturers, and is committed to providing and developing high-quality and high-quality health products, and ensuring that all product completion preparations and productions are carried out locally in New Zealand. The selection and extraction of high-quality raw materials and the strict testing of raw material purity and dosage are the promises and guarantees of the SRW laboratory for product quality, and also the attitude of the SRW laboratory towards caring about public health and improving the quality of life of all mankind. In the modern society of the human community, under the support of the academic research of the founder Greg, the research and development of its products also reflects the ideal healthy life state advocated by the team - ensuring the extension of quality life, preventing and staying away from major disease risks, and enjoying every beautiful day happily.
